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Best rehabilitation centers in Lithuania

2019-10-01 12:44   Peržiūros : 53   Spausdinti

Rehabilitation is a term that comes from a Latin word that means "the restoration of ability". Usually the medicine is divided into several different types: preventive, curative and rehabilitative. Rehabilitation centers invite the patients who are just after injuries, surgeries or illnesses and provide a certain plan of services that later helps the person return to a normal daily life.

There are several high-quality and modern rehabilitation centers here in Lithuania, which offer profession help from doctors and rehabilitation specialists, different programs of rehabilitation, customized equipment ad other devices most suitable and necessary for the treatment.

Undoubtedly, choosing a rehabilitation center might be tricky, so we present you with some key criteria that will help you determine and identify which center is the modern, innovative and truly worth the attention place for your treatment that you seek for. Modern rehabilitation centers provide several different kinds of treatments - doctors' consultations, medical treatment, kinesiotherapy in gyms, exercises, treatments in pools, ergotherapy, massages and procedures of physiotherapy. The success of therapy definitely depends on the team of professionals, but it also heavily depends on own patient's efforts and desire to achieve the result that is why it is important to put your own work together with the specialists that are beside you during the rehabilitation.


Kinesiotherapy - for a better-quality life

According to the specialists, kinesiotherapy is essential for every person who cares about his/her body, health and well-being. Most people think that sport is a good alternative for kinesiotherapy, but it is not the case. The main goal of kinesiotherapy is the restoration of the body's functions and wellness. One of the treatment methods in the case of issues with a person's physical health is the activation of movement. Thus, kinesiotherapy is a specially "dosed" physical activity which is "prescribed" according to the individual's illnesses and physiological indicators. The most common symptoms that kinesiotherapy specialists see include a variety of pain that is caused by movement disorders, for example, the pain of the back, joints, and shoulders, the consequences of different trauma, post-surgery recovery and prolonged immobility.

It is very important to understand that the help of kinesiotherapy specialists is as important and necessary as of any other doctor or specialist. Every person has a specific model of movement and if you exercise or do specific movements wrongly, a problem that is within your body might get much worse. Kinesiotherapy specialists recommend visiting a rehabilitation clinic and having an individual exercise plan made for you, learning how to do the exercises correctly first, and only then you, as a patient, can start repeating these exercises without supervision, at home. It is also important to understand that visiting a kinesiotherapy specialist and taking his/her consultations is very necessary, since your body is adjusting to a new series of exercise, it is recommended to review, intensify and control the exercise plan every few weeks with the help of a specialist.


Patient undergoes kinesiotherapy treatment

Patient undergoes kinesiotherapy treatment at Valakupiai Rehabilitation Center.  "Kinesiotherapy is an essential body hygiene that every person who cares about his or her body, health and wellbeing should take into account" says Jurgita Veliulytė, a kinesiotherapy specialist who works in the center.

The kinesiotherapy specialists say that "Redcord therapy", a Neurac method that originated in Scandinavia, is very popular in Lithuania now. Patients with both, neurological, musculoskeletal disorders and back pain related with muscle activation problems can benefit from this very broad technique that provides a very specific and very precise work on each of these areas. This type of therapy is quite technically difficult, since it deals with special belts hanging from the top, which lets include the newest neurorehabilitation methods into the treatments.


innovative rehabilitation method "Redcord therapy".

Rehabilitation and Nursing Center "Gemma" uses a new and innovative rehabilitation method "Redcord therapy".

Another very popular and widely used method is "Mulligan". This movement mobilization is usually used when a patient feels pain or when experiences functional disorders of musculoskeletal system, especially with pins related with head, back or knee joints. Special belts are often used during the procedure, but you can work without them. The Mulligan method is effective when the pain is reduced or eliminated immediately after the procedure.


Pain treatment with the very popular and effective "Mulligan" method

Pain treatment with the very popular and effective "Mulligan" method at "Gemma" Rehabilitation and Nursing Center.



Modern rehabilitation centers use state-of-the-art physiotherapy equipment for treatment, including pulsed currents, electrical therapy, magnet therapy, laser therapy, ozone therapy and so on. For example, ozone therapy is a type of treatment that uses ozone to disinfect the wounds and is a great alternative for antibiotics. Laser equipment is often used for the peripheral nerve system in order to reduce the pain and for analgesia.


a low-power laser with a wavelength oh 750nm for rehabilitative treatments.

"Gemma" Rehabilitation Center uses a low-power laser with a wavelength oh 750nm for rehabilitative treatments. The lasers are most usually used to activate the receptors that are in the skin and to perform bio-stimulation. When bio-stimulation is performed, capillaries and veins in that specific area of the body enhance and the circulation intensifies, which helps the recovery process to be faster and the inflammation to end sooner.


Another important and effective type of rehabilitation is ergotherapy, which is the empowering of a person with meaningful activities and engagement in correct and helpful movements.

Ergotherapy specialists analyze the daily, professional and leisure activities in order to find the obstacles that might cause health issues and consult on how to develop patient's skills, increase productivity and to improve the daily habits by adapting technical aids and the environment.

Ergotherapy specialists help the patients that underwent various injuries and illnesses to restore the motor and cognitive functions in order to reduce some possible pathologies, improve the state of health and for the patients to come back to their daily life as easily as possible. These specialists work with groups of people of different ages, including children, young adults and elderly people, and with patients individually.


A group ergotherapy session

A group ergotherapy session in Valakupiai Rehabilitation Center. Patients, with the help of professionals, engage in active occupational therapy.

Ergotherapy for children is usually applied when there are visible developmental, perceptional and attention disorders. It is popular today to apply ergotherapy for the children who have some difficulties to socialize in such spaces like kindergarten, school, etc.


Children ergotherapy room

Children ergotherapy room in "Gemma" Rehabilitation and Nursing Center in Vilnius.

Rehabilitation centers for disabled people

As already mentioned, modern rehabilitation centers are complex and their programs are aimed not only at the restoration of health, but also at the patients who suffer from long-term health issues, including amputation of certain limbs, spinal cord injuries, consequences of strokes. In the cases of long-term health issues, rehabilitation programs are applied in order to compensate for the lost skills. Specialists explain that when a certain limb is amputated, a prosthetic is fitted instead however, in complex rehabilitation, this is only the first step. After the fitting of the prosthetic limb, there are many more steps ahead, including the adaptation of environment and accommodation, development of new skills (courses, training, for example driving courses), job search, consultations with psychologists and social workers. Usually the concept of rehabilitation is understood in a very narrow sense, however, the process of rehabilitation is like an integration into the life. Specialists who work in rehabilitation centers provide a wide spectrum of help to a patient and help him or her come back to their everyday life and labor market.

Kai kurios reabilitacijos įstaigos itin aktyviai stengiasi integruoti neįgaliuosius į kasdieninį gyvenimą ir savo ligoninėse kuria tam palankią aplinką.


Palanga's rehabilitation hospital, which provides an environment for peoplewith accessibility issues and tries to help them maintain socially fruitfullives. Hospital area offers a recreation island - an innovation onlyoffered here in Lithuania. Patients who are physically challenged aretaught skills worthy in nature and other meaningful ways to spend theirfree time. With the help of specialists these people are being taughtpaddling, fishing and cooking.


Rehabilitation centers with swimming pools

One of the greatest advantages of a certain rehabilitation center is a swimming pool and treatments that take place in it. Rehabilitation centers usually have therapeutic pools where the water therapy is performed. Other hydrotherapeutic procedures, such as patients' favorite underwater massage, jacuzzi and aromatherapy baths, are also widely used in rehabilitation centers. This type of procedures is typically used to improve blood circulation, metabolism, lymphatic flow and to strengthen the muscles. The water currents relax the muscles and relieves the pain.


cozy therapeutic pool

Valakupiai rehabilitation center has a cozy therapeutic pool, where the patients undergo water kinesiotherapy and hydrotherapy - underwater massage or other movement training exercises. A jacuzzi is also used during the procedures.


You can find the map with rehabilitation centers in Lithuania below.

Kategorijos: Sanatorijos ir reabilitacijos centrai
1 2 3
Straipsnio temą atitinkantys produktai
Reabilitacijos ligoninė Palangoje
Reabilitacijos ligoninė Palangoje

Palangos reabilitacijos ligoninė

Reabilitacijos ir slaugos centras
Skoliozės gydymas Vilniuje

Stuburo iškrypimo gydymas

reabilitacijos centras Vilniuje
Reabilitacijos centras Vilniuje

Reabilitacijos Vilniuje, reabilitacija Vilnius. Valakupių...

1 2 3
Geriausi reabilitacijos centrai Lietuvoje

Geriausi reabilitacijos centrai Lietuvoje

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nugaros skausmai

Nugaros skausmai: tempimo pratimai nugaros skausmui mažinti

Kaip sumažinti nugaros skausmus. Veiksmingi nugaros skausmą mažinantys pratimai skirti vaikams ir suaugusiems atlikti namuose.  

Patient undergoes kinesiotherapy treatment

Best rehabilitation centers in Lithuania

There are several high-quality and modern rehabilitation centers here in Lithuania, which offer profession help from doctors and rehabilitation specialists, different programs of rehabilitation, customized equipment ad other devices most suitable and necessary for the treatment. 


Eteriniai aliejai grąžina jėgas ir atpalaiduoja

Kvepiančios žvakės, smilkalai, prietema ir šiluma – gero vakaro pradžia. O masažas su kvapiaisiais aliejais po įtemptos darbo dienos gali grąžinti prarastas jėgas. Kvapai kartais daro stebuklus, ypač jei juos pasirinksite teisingai. 

Parkinsono liga

Parkinsono liga

Parkinsono ligos gydymas, ligos simptomai, priežastys 


Ką reikia žinoti apie masažo ypatumus?

Tailando masažas. Maorių masažas. Masažas šiltais akmenimis. Aromaterapinis masažas. 

Temą atitinkančios įmonės kataloge:


Kompanijų produkcija
Reabilitacijos ligoninė Palangoje
Reabilitacijos ligoninė Palangoje

Palangos reabilitacijos ligoninė

Reabilitacijos ir slaugos centras
Skoliozės gydymas Vilniuje

Stuburo iškrypimo gydymas

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Kaip sumažinti nugaros skausmus. Veiksmingi nugaros skausmą mažinantys pratimai skirti vaikams ir suaugusiems atlikti namuose.

Patient undergoes kinesiotherapy treatment Best rehabilitation centers in Lithuania

There are several high-quality and modern rehabilitation centers here in Lithuania, which offer profession help from doctors and rehabilitation specialists, different programs of rehabilitation, customized equipment ad other devices most suitable and necessary for the treatment.

Parkinsono liga Parkinsono liga

Parkinsono ligos gydymas, ligos simptomai, priežastys

masazas Ką reikia žinoti apie masažo ypatumus?

Tailando masažas. Maorių masažas. Masažas šiltais akmenimis. Aromaterapinis masažas.

© Jose Luis Pelaez, Inc./Blend Images/Corbis Organizmo valymas

Trijų valandų planas, po kurio jausitės ir atrodysite dar geriau nei prieš šventinį maratoną!

Reuters/Scanpix Hirudoterapija – gydymas dėlėmis

Šiandien pasaulyje vėl pastebima nauja susidomėjimo gydymu dėlėmis banga. Ir tai nėra mados klyksmas, o požymis, kad žmogus daugiau pradėjo rūpintis savo sveikata.

Kompanijų produkcija
Reabilitacijos ligoninė Palangoje
Reabilitacijos ligoninė Palangoje

Palangos reabilitacijos ligoninė

Reabilitacijos ir slaugos centras
Skoliozės gydymas Vilniuje

Stuburo iškrypimo gydymas

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Magnetinė terapija Vilniuje
Magnetinė terapija Vilniuje

Magnetinė terapija stuburo, sąnarių, traumų gydymui

Naujienų prenumerata

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