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The best restaurants in Kaunas

2019-02-04 12:27   Peržiūros : 107   Spausdinti

Kaunas, the historical temporary capital of Lithuania, does not fall behind Vilnius considering delicious and quality food in restaurants and cafes. The capital's restaurants mostly interest and attract the provincial, smaller town residents of Lithuania and foreigners, while Kaunas is trying to surprise both its residents and foreigners with a high variety of different restaurants and cafes. When there is such a large supply of restaurants and cafes, it is not easy to decide which ones are worth visiting and which of these will disappoint and leave the bitter taste in your mouth. How can one choose the right restaurant if you do not like taking risk and blindly choose the place for your lunch and dinner? What does one need to know before "googling" an unknown or a new restaurant? What are the criteria to consider that show whether the restaurant is good?

Dessert in the restaurant MAGNUS in Kaunas

The most popular menu in the restaurants in Kaunas
In recent years, more and more restaurants offering new and unheard world cuisines have been created in Kaunas offering truly exotic and delicious food. A decade ago, an innovative and delicious dish, tailored to fit the taste of a western consumer, was a Turkish kebab, and its price definitely matched the taste. Even as for today, fast and cheap kebabs in lavash or in pita have been and still are one of the main food for students and people in a rush. At the same time, there is a growing popularity of the Eastern Asian cuisine with its sweet and spicy food, which is appropriate and attractive to Lithuanians. To enjoy something uncommon, new and not basic as well delicious, many choose one of these popular and safe options - Chinese dishes with meat and vegetables or Japanese sushi. Today, however, restaurants of Central Asian cuisine in Kaunas offer a wide range of dishes with some of it being especially suitable for vegetarians and vegans. With the rise in demand for vegan food to appeal to consumers in this food category, many restaurants and cafes in Kaunas already offer vegan options for their dishes. But in Kaunas, the most popular kitchens are still those that include European cuisine, with menus dominated by Italian, French and other Western cuisines. These restaurants are more suitable for families or large groups of people, even with each of them having a different taste. And in terms of prices, western restaurants are more preferred because of its price diversity, being able to suit the needs of all people, whether looking for cheaper or more expensive meals, and tailored to middle class representatives as well. Obviously, to eat real Italian pasta or French pancakes, it is better to go to a restaurant that has authentic Italian or French cuisine.

There is no secret in the fact that foreigners who come to Lithuania want to taste Lithuanian cuisine and experience Lithuanian culture. They often ask where it would be the best to do so. There is not a massively huge variety to choose from, since there are not a lot of good restaurants that represent the Lithuanian cuisine well. The exception would be restaurants such as "Bernelių užeiga", which not only serve authentic food, but also have created an adequate and authentic atmosphere, and so it retain their image in Kaunas. It is also important to keep in mind the new cafes that have recently been opened and offer tasty and high-quality Lithuanian dishes. Sadly, in places like that the prices are usually higher, so that the establishment may survive and would not have to close permanently.

Good-quality lithuanian food may always be found in the restaurants of more expensive hotels, where the prices do not scare the typical German or British tourist. But the locals are not looking for "cepelinai" (meat-stuffed potato dumplings) served by a waitress wearing a traditional Lithuanian costume or some simple chicken dish with mashed potatoes for an enormously huge price. Typically, a local will rather choose to find the same dishes for half the price in some small catering place located in some kind of basement near their work place. Local residents of Kaunas have also found great places to eat at that offer equally delicious traditional Lithuanian dishes. Usually, during the lunch time, places like that are packed and there are no free tables.

Chicken in the restaurant MAGNUS in Kaunas

In the A La Carte menu of "Magnus" three-starred hotel's restaurant and Panoramic bar you can find various European cuisine dishes, including ones of fish and meat, to cater every customer's taste with the prices that are reasonable to the representatives of all classes. There is a Panoramic bar located on the ninth floor of the hotel, which offers a magnificent panoramic view of all city of Kaunas. While having a diner here, you will be able to enjoy the panoramic city view and some hot coffee with delicious desserts. The restaurant, as well as the bar is also a great fit to have a birthday, wedding and any other parties.

The best service in restaurants in Kaunas
First and foremost, before visiting a popular, well-known restaurant, be sure to call in for the reservation of a table to avoid waiting near the door for an hour or so and secretly staring at how other people enjoy dinner. If you do not want to sit at the worst table in the restaurant, it is also advisable to pre-book places to sit in advance. Nobody wants to sit in the corner of the restaurant with the smallest table next to the toilet or kitchen door, and only one phone call to the restaurant a few days before is enough to avoid it. These small things, such as waiting for the table or poorly situated table placing can negatively affect you, and the waiters and other staff will certainly notice it. Your mood and communication may influence the way the waiter will serve you, and even the taste of food, which may vary depending on whether you are positively thinking or not. When hoping for a warm and friendly service, the customer should also be positive, and that way the even the dinner will be tastier. So to make your visit to the restaurant a success, don't be afraid to call and ask for a better table at the window.



Best restaurants and bars in Kaunas city center
Laisvės Alley and the Old Town are the most popular places in Kaunas to go out during the day time for a walk with the family or at night with some friends. The journey may be started from Kaunas Sobor and finished at Town Hall Square or Kaunas Castle. When you start feeling hungry or thirsty, there is a great choice for different restaurants and cafés on both sides of the street. Older generations prefer more traditional and familiar restaurants, where they know they will not be disappointed and will enjoy delicious food. However, for those strong admirers of tradition, it would be worthwhile to try new restaurants, where perhaps they will have to pay a little more, but there is a big chance of experiencing something new: having a good time in a higher class environment, enjoying not only food but also music, a new, fresh environment.
The younger generation likes to spend their Friday and Saturday nights out, having fun and partying going from one bar to the other. Most bars in Kaunas offer not only drinks but also food menus up until the midnight and after it, which is why they attract not only very young people, but also people of older age who simply want to spend the night having fun, enjoying some music and the company of the youth.


Bella Italia restaurant in Kaunas

Bella Italia restaurant in Kaunas was the first one to start making a real, Italian pizza. The restaurant was opened by an Italian man, named Paolo, who now works there together with his sons. When you visit this place, you will not only taste the delicious pizza but you will be able to enjoy some Italian desserts and other dishes. The best recommendation for this restaurant is the fact that this restaurant is open for such a long time already and it stays among the most popular ones for local people in Kaunas as well as for the visitors who keep coming back.

Reviews for the best restaurants in Kaunas
Most people are not brave enough to try out a new restaurant before consulting their friends or reading reviews of the restaurant in Facebook or other places online. How else would you know, if the restaurant will hold up to your expectations, if not by looking for some information online. What star rating it has, what are the positive and negative reviews and comments, are the prices of the dishes and drinks high, and are the service and staff fast and friendly? These are the questions that are of great interest for the potential customers so they are encouraged to look for the answers in the review section while choosing the place for their dinner. That is the reason why every restaurant is always trying to take care of their image in the social media and to present themselves in the way that it would make the customer want to come to the place. In the accounts of restaurants in the social media, there are a lot of photos of the dishes that will make your mouth water and photos of the restaurant that will please your eyes with modern and tasteful interior. Every single negative review in Facebook will be pushed down to the very end and tens of positive reviews with the highest rating will be showed in the very top, so that the overall image would not be damaged because of one or several bad reviews. While looking into a restaurant, you should not pass on it just because of the couple negative reviews or because of the medium rating. Maybe that one day that was how the consequences played, and they were the factor that did not please the customers. It is always better to see for yourself, to try everything yourself and to have your own opinion about the restaurant - is it good or were the ratings and reviews given just because. If the bad review you found somewhere online will not prove itself to be truthful make sure to say it to the wait staff - the positive boost of good mood for the wait staff and for you as well is guaranteed.





Kategorijos: KAUNAS ir renginiai Kaune, Restoranai Kaune
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Lankytinos vietos Kaune

Paprastas ir ekstremalus poilsis Lietuvoje: nuo dviračių takelių iki regatos ir tylos žygio

Atsibodus įprastam miesto ritmui ir pasiilgus adrenalino sukeliamos euforijos, atrinko įdomiausius aktyvaus poilsio variantus.

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